Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

SSP Club 26. The Last Day'-'

Today, 30.06.2013~
The last day! We practice how to be MC. Take a pics together, play a games. Fun yeahh~
I'm happy because 'my hell' will finish /lol/ but, i'm also sad because i wouldn't meet them again. I hope when training I can meet them. I think I will miss them, miss their laugh, their support. Glad to know all of you! :D
In SSP Club 26 i got new friends, new experience, more confidence when I'm talk in front of new people/?
After break, Mami make a games. 'Yel-yel' and make a tower from plastic glass. My group name is Slow Down Baby xD the leader is Kak Harrys.
Thanks for SSP, thanks for the members of SSP26 ^^

SSP Club 26 with Mami Santy Sastra~

Yeahhh.. We are Slow Down Baby!

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